Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Updated Licence


📜 Introduction

Brought to you by, this iOSLiveness SDK can now be used to integrate gesture-based liveness Detection into your iOS applications.

🔧 Functioning

This LivenessSDK is Liveness based on Motion detection. Users will be directed by the screen to perform facial gestures and actions which will be analysised to verify and identify live visitors.

📑 Index

📚 Documentation

🌟 Features


Ensure Secure use of facial recognition based applications by determining liveness of your users

Liveness Detection by Motion

With this iOSLiveness SDK, you can determine liveness of your users by detection of motion.

Users will be prompted by the screen to perform facial gestures and the response by the user is analyzed in a live streaming video.

✔️ Supported Devices

🔍 Software Prerequisite

📲 Installation Using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Alamofire into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

1. Create Podfile and add pod 'LivenessSDK':


target 'YourApp' do
    pod 'LivenessSDK'

2. Install pods:

$ pod install

3. Import the module:


import LivenessSDK

Objective - C:

@import LivenessSDK;

🐒 How to use


import LivenessSDK

  var liveness = Liveness()

  liveness.delegate = self
  liveness.enableEyes = true;

// To stop and exit Liveness View


Objective - C

@import LivenessSDK;

  Liveness * liveness = [Liveness new];
  liveness.delegate = self;
  liveness.enableEyes = true;
  [liveness startLiveness];
// To stop and exit Liveness View

  [liveness stopLiveness];

🏄 Delegates



 func livenessSuccess(live: Bool) {
 func livenessError(live: Bool, error: NSError) {

Objective - C

- (void)livenessErrorWithLive:(BOOL)live error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error{

- (void)livenessSuccessWithLive:(BOOL)live face:(UIImage * _Nonnull)face {

🎛 Customization

You can set some properties for liveness.


| Steps | Value | Default | | ——- | ——- |——- | | Eyes(enableEyes) | Bool | false | | Mouth(enableMouth) | Bool | false | | Yaw(enableYaw) | Bool | false | | Random Steps(randomSteps) | Bool | true |


| Property | Min. Value | Max. Value | Default | | ——- | ——- | ——- |——- | | Eyes closed Threshold(eyeThreshold) | 0.05 | 0.2 | 0.1 | | Mouth opened Threshold(mouthThreshold) | 0.1 | 0.6 | 0.35 | | Each step timer(timerSeconds) | Seconds| Seconds | 5 seconds |

📋 Supported OS & SDK Versions

👮🏻 License